Total Medals Earned: 262 (From 35 different games.) Total Medal Score: 3,835 Points
Medals Earned: 3/5 (75/135 points)
Make it past Stage 3.
Make it past Stage 2.
Make it past Stage 1.
Defeat the Boss!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 1/4 (100/400 points)
Pass all the English Test
Check the ? room to check all ABC animals names on spanish mode
Check all the 1st Test Spanish Mode
Pass all the Test 2 Spanish Mode
Medals Earned: 1/22 (5/360 points)
Kill 20 zombies
Get gold star on first five stages
Die 33 times
Get gold star on second five stages
Use poison the wrong way
Lose in stage 8
Get gold star on 4th five stages
Break 20 walls
Kill 100 small enemies
kill 20 red devils
Get gold star on Third five stages
Get gold star on 5th five stages
Kill darkness boss 5 times
Make 30 items in the shop
Make a powerful drill without powerups
kill 50 red zombies
Get gold star on 6th five stages
Get a 36 damage in a single hit
Use poison the right way
Get gold star on all stages
Get gold star on all stages using only 25HP or less potions
Medals Earned: 14/30 (115/500 points)
Welcome to Asslevania!
Reach level 2.
Don't skip the intro.
Check out!
Welcome back!
Check out Sexual-Lobster's page.
Check out RicePirate's page.
Check out JohnnyUtah's page.
Reach level 3
Find Alucard.
...and keeps on whip'n.
Get a little head.
Eat a pork chop!
Find the 1st hidden song.
Follow me at NEWGROUNDS!
Follow me on Twitter, so I don't have to shut up!
What a pile of buffalo diarrhea!
Watch the whole ending.
Don't skip the meeting with Johnny and Dracula.
Reach level 4.
It takes a lick'n...
Thats where I left that!
Never alone...
Make the haunted hallway more creepy.
Beat Time Trial in less than 3 mins.
Beat Dracula!
Reach level 5.
Medals Earned: 5/5 (160/160 points)
kill the first boss
find and kill a miniboss
buy somethign in the shop
Kill the second boss
find it
Medals Earned: 1/6 (5/195 points)
Complete all orange levels to 3 stars
Complete all yellow levels to 3 stars
Complete all green levels to 3 stars
Complete all blue levels to 3 stars
Complete all violet levels to 3 stars
Medals Earned: 4/10 (40/155 points)
Destroy 30 asteroids during the story sequences
Complete Planet 1
Complete Planet 2
Complete Planet 3
Hack any planets first lazer wall without failing
Kill all bots on any level
Destroy 20 bots using only bombs
Bomb your way to the secret area on Planet 2
Complete the game in under 20 mins in one sitting
Medals Earned: 3/6 (40/240 points)
Learn all about everything by opening the field journal!
Find 3 "golden orb" rooms
Defeat Bob the Balrog (floor 4-3)
Trade three tier III items at the witch's shop
Earn all 5 totems
Defeat the Dragon (floor 8-3)
Medals Earned: 4/20 (40/495 points)
Master the elements.
Smash up an elite sentry.
Destroy the cat's mobile fortress.
Eat worms for breakfast.
Bring NoLegs to the battlefield.
Survive with 1HP remaining.
Fire the Ion Cannon for the first time.
Get 5000 points in part one.
Get 6000 points in part two.
Kill yourself.
Swept away by waves of fire.
Slay the undead dragon.
Beat the game on Normal Difficulty.
Get 10,000 points in survival.
Try out all swords.
Complete the bestiary by scanning all foes.
Beat the game on Hard Difficulty.
Hit the damage limit of 99999.
Defeat the final boss and save the world.
Beat the game on Epic Difficulty.
Medals Earned: 7/10 (155/355 points)
Destroy 5 enemies
Collect 100 coins in all time
Collect 25 coins in one play
Collect 100 coins in one play
Destroy 25 enemies
Collect 1000 coins in all time
Purchase every upgrade
Collect all 6 artifacts
Destroy the final boss
Earn every other Medal