
spoonybrad's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 262 (From 35 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 3,835 Points

Freak o' Lantern

Medals Earned: 1/15 (5/500 points)

Assault And Battery 5 Points

Steal enough candies from a kid to make him limp away.

Canine Evasion 5 Points

Successfully hide from a dog while using a jack o' lantern.

Air Time 10 Points

Juggle a single enemy in the air with at least 5 hits.

Extreme Extremity 10 Points

Upgrade a perk to its maximum potential.

Moar Candy! 10 Points

Steal a total of 20k candies.

Mutation In Bulk 10 Points

Equip 3 perks at once.

Punk Buster 25 Points

Kill 50 bullies.

Wicked Efficiency 25 Points

Catch 40 candies in midair before you land back on the ground.

Ambush Mayhem 50 Points

Defeat the gang of punks at the end of Area 2.

Candy Apocalypse 50 Points

Steal a total of 1000 candies in Challenge Mode.

Gruesome Excellence 50 Points

Get a perfect grade on a level in Area 3.

Man's Best Friend 50 Points

Survive the pack of wild neighborhood dogs at the end of Area 1.

Monstrous Perfection 50 Points

Get a perfect grade on a level in Area 2.

Mother Dearest 50 Points

Take care of Mother...

Legendary Terror 100 Points

Beat the game and get a perfect grade on every level.


Medals Earned: 2/3 (15/40 points)

Friday Night Funker 5 Points

Start the game


Beat Week 1 in Story mode and unlock Week 2

Just like the game 25 Points

Funk on a Friday (real time)

Goin Up

Medals Earned: 11/21 (445/825 points)

I like my wall 10 Points

jump on a wall 20 times

I love dem clouds 10 Points

touch the sky

Combo Breaker 25 Points

Fiery Combo of 10

Find the hidden button 25 Points

Find the hidden button

Kill 20 Spikes in one game 25 Points

Kill 20 Spikes in one game

Collect 5000 skulls 50 Points

Collect 5000 skulls

Evolve to final level 50 Points

Evolve to final level

I can stop at any time 50 Points

play for an hour

Kill every big enemy 50 Points

Kill every big enemy

The final Frontier 50 Points

reach space

I can't stop at any time 100 Points

play for 3 hours

First kill 5 Points

first Kill

Jump on 10 enemies 5 Points

Jump on 10 enemies

I can double jump 10 Points

I can double jump

Jump on 50 enemies 10 Points

Jump on 50 enemies

Collect 1000 skulls 25 Points

Collect 1000 skulls

Jump on 100 enemies 25 Points

Jump on 100 enemies

Kill 200 Goo-..Flying things.. 50 Points

Kill 200 Goo-..Flying things..

Kill every small enemy 50 Points

Kill every small enemy

Kill every enemy 100 Points

Kill every enemy

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 4/10 (40/220 points)

Advisory Animal 5 Points

Discover the dog who can speak in the tounge of man.

Born Again 5 Points

Experience rebirth the first time.

Self Defense 5 Points

Kill an enemy with their own projectile

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Human Nature 5 Points

Kill a living creature with your weapon

The Call 5 Points

Awaken her guardians

Facade Breaks 10 Points

Defeat Uzaza

End of Us 50 Points

Complete the game with the aid of the gun

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Help the Hero!

Medals Earned: 3/10 (15/115 points)

LEVEL1 5 Points

Beat Level1

LEVEL2 5 Points

Beat LEvel 2

LEVEL3 5 Points

Beat Level 3

LEVEL4 5 Points

Beat Level 4

LEVEL5 5 Points

Beat Level 5

LEVEL6 5 Points

Beat Level 6

LEVEL7 5 Points

Beat Level 7

LEVEL8 5 Points

Beat Level 8

LEVEL9 25 Points

Beat Level 9


Last more than 150 seconds in challenge mode.


Medals Earned: 2/8 (75/500 points)

Halfway There 25 Points

Hold it in 30 seconds

Clean Getaway 50 Points

Complete Story Mode

Hold on for one more day 25 Points

Hold on 80 seconds

Just hold on we're going home 50 Points

Hold on 100 seconds

Son... 50 Points

Get poop on dad 20 times.

Hold on to your friends 100 Points

Hold on 150 seconds

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Lonely Escape

Medals Earned: 1/5 (10/120 points)

Inside 10 Points

Get inside! You did!

Skull 10 Points

Crack it

Piano player 25 Points

Play the piano!

Puzzler 25 Points

Solve a puzzle.

Escape! 50 Points



Medals Earned: 6/12 (190/500 points)

Traveler 5 Points

Enter a portal.

Excavator 10 Points

Collect at least 6 artifacts.

Archaeologist 25 Points

Collect at least 18 artifacts.

Lorem Archivist 50 Points

Collect all of the Lorem tablets.

Priest of Science 50 Points

Collect all of the Path rings.

Seecha Expert 50 Points

Collect all of the Seecha rods.

Repeat Visitor 10 Points

Make at least 10 visits to Looming.

Binary Abacist 50 Points

Collect all of the tally beads.

Lithocryptologist 50 Points

Collect all of the diagram pieces.

Xenopaleontologist 50 Points

Collect all of the Oarbor bones.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Mission Escape: Underground

Medals Earned: 5/5 (185/185 points)

Good eye 10 Points

Good eye

Puzzler 25 Points

Solve a puzzle

Escape! 50 Points


Manhole 50 Points

Solve the manhole puzzle

Pipes 50 Points

Solve the pipe puzzle


Medals Earned: 4/4 (125/125 points)

Love Always Remains 25 Points

Take the easy way out.

Party In The Dungeon 25 Points

That's quite a busy reign

Whyyyyy? 25 Points

Kinghood suxx

Eternity 50 Points

Grab your piece of eternal kingship